4 Things Homeowners Should Care About Plumbing & Heating Services Edmonton In This Pandemic

In this pandemic where each and every person of this world is afraid of COVID-19. Most of the countries are in lockdown. People are forced to stay in their homes and that what is most important right now. 



But in this pandemic, your home could require some plumbing attention as you and your family are going to spend most of your days at home. Here, I’ll share some most important things that you’ll need to take care of Plumbing & Heating Services Edmonton. Especially in your city, you will get hundreds of plumbing services but make sure you have checked the following before hiring a Plumber in Edmonton


Please note that all the mentioned things that need to be taken care of are specifically for the house owners of Edmonton. But for sure even if you are situated out Edmonton, these points will help you pick an ideal Plumbing & Heating Service provider. 


4 particular plumbing related things you should consider as a Homeowner.


 Complete Leakage Check


In this COVID situation, it would be tough for you to call the plumbing service again and again. While calling for the service make sure you are opting for the complete leakage check. Because you might not have noticed some leakage and it could be worse in the coming days. So better get everything done in a one. 


Keep the plumbing guy’s number in your speed dial


You never know when you will face a situation where you need a plumbing expert. In these pandemic days, it will be difficult for you to get a plumber on the spot. 

It’s always recommended to keep your plumber’s contact number in your speed dial, especially in these pandemic days. Someone quoted it very well “precautions are better than cure”. Do care of this thing, you might require a plumber urgently. 


Get your water eaters covered


Water Heaters are the equipment that goes through regular wear and tear. We use our water heaters almost every day for at least half of the year. These water heater’s heating element has a limited life span so if your water heater also requires some maintenance it’s better to ask your Plumbing & Heating Services provider in Edmonton fix it at the same time. Because this COVID situation can be extended and you might not get a plumber in the coming weeks. 


Hire someone who has latest technology


These days all our home equipment are fancy and needs to be handled with care. I would say, you want to hire someone for the plumbing job then make sure he has the latest technology because you might face difficulties if accidentally some of your equipment broke. Everything is changing with technology so make sure you don’t hire a old fashioned plumber for your modern house. 


Final Verdict

If any home requires plumbing attention then you can’t take it for a grant. As a house owner, I expect that you have actively gone through all the points mentioned above and whenever required you will follow them. These prerequisites will help you avoid calling your Plumber in Edmonton frequently.


Besides, all these if you will consider all the things mentioned above, it will keep mentally relaxed at least about plumbing related issues. 


Call us today or leave us a message on our website: 

Website: https://ourearthbond.ca/

Email: Admin@ourearthbond.ca   

Call: 780-803-9675

Why Plumbing Matters To Health And Safety For Your Home?

Water Scarcity is a growing problem all around the World. The availability of fresh water is a global phenomenon and if proper measures are not taken then cities without rivers may face serious issues in the near future. As the World population grows water shortage is becoming a real challenge. Similarly, cities like Edmonton must keep this threat into consideration.



However, humans have always found a way to tackle natural consequences with their power of innovation. One of the examples is the awareness of 
Plumbing Services in Edmonton.

If plumbing service is used effectively in the beginning, then it will save a lot of work, time and money caused during its repair in the future. A professional plumbing mechanism will require expert designing and drafting services.

We will discuss some key features of plumbing that helps in the supply of clean, convenient water to households which is something often taken for granted.

1. It is very important to understand that plumbing services not only save water but also help to reduce health issues. Plumbing secures a valuable supply of clean water making it safe for health, hygiene, and well-being. It brings pleasure and value to our living with the availability of clean water in several useful areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.

2. The absence of safe and affordable water supply gives birth to a lot of water-borne diseases and viruses. According to the World Health Organization, 1.4 million children die due to such diseases every year. The main reason found is the lack of a proper dumping system for human waste and fecal matter, which is why plumbing holds so much importance in the modern world.


March 11 is celebrated as World Plumbing Day globally due to its important role in our day to day life guaranteeing our health and safety.



3. Plumbing makes it possible to have clean and safe water in the most convenient way for our kitchens and bathrooms. That not only serves functional purposes but also provides the resort of comforting meals, soothing baths, and healthful relaxation that are all important to lead a healthy life.


4. Water sustaining is extremely essential, and plumbing services in Edmonton assure safe plumbing and water efficiency to find solutions. Their innovations to gain water efficiency have substantially reduced the usage of water through toilets, shower heads, faucets and other plumbing products.

5. Beyond energy and water savings, there are also measurable benefits of careful design and installation of plumbing systems, including


  1. Environmental impact, when considering alternative water sources and treatment systems.

  2. Building durability, when selecting pipe and fitting materials, and fixtures.

  3. Occupant safety, when considering residential sprinkler systems.

  4. Convenience and ease of use.


Finishing Up:

Even though knowledge has been raised about the significance of plumbing services and its method, there still remains some statistics that drive our attention to its value.

Surprisingly today, 40% of the world does not have access to sanitary services. Almost 1.1 billion people still excrete in open in this modern generation.


These facts and figures gather enough evidence as to why it is so much important to use plumbing services and the role of the commercial plumbing services or household plumbing in our life.

To book plumbing service contact us at:

Call (24*7) : 780-803-9675E-mail (24*7)  : luke@ourearthbond.ca

Everything You Need To Know About Commercial Plumbing Services In Edmonton

Plumbing is a task that requires training and practice. As a business owner, you can learn every skill to increase your business’s online presence but you can’t learn to plumb and it is not at all recommended for you. There are several aspects that you need to know about  Commercial Plumbing Services.




If you are owing your business in Edmonton then, the below-mentioned points are actually important for you. There are dozens of commercial plumbing services in Edmonton.


Basically, these points will help you understand why you actually need the commercial plumbing services and what you should take care of while hiring commercial plumbing services. 

Drainage problems 

Whenever you have issues with your office’s drainage or sewer problems then, you must hire a professional agency to handle it. If something goes wrong then you might have to face a lot of embracement in front of your office colleagues.


Drains and Sewers are prone to clogs. Soaps, grease and other cosmetic products could make your drains clogged. Hiring a plumbing agency will offer you proper cleaning and repairing of your drains and sewers. 

There are several agencies like  Earthbond Plumbing & Heating agency that offers some great services at affordable rates. 

Water Heater Service 

Plumbing Services of Edmonton offers complete solution related to your washrooms and restrooms. Servicing the water heater is one of them. You can’t repair the water heater on your own. You need to have some agency’s contact number on your list. So that you can save your money, it is because unrepaired water heaters could result in installing the new water heater and it will cost you a lot more than hiring professional plumbing services like Earthbond Plumbing & Heating agency. 

Installation Services 

If your business is in a growing phase, then no doubt you will require several installations in your office. Along with this, you may need some new sinks, toilets, and garbage disposals. For this, you must hire a commercial plumbing service provider agency. You can’t rely on individuals for these tasks, you need to have an agency to work round the clock for your betterment. 

Final Verdict

In order to grow your business, you have to offer great services to your clients and to your employees. In order to do so, you have to keep your drains, sewers clean and odor-free. You can’t do all these tasks, you have to hire some commercial plumbing services available in your locality.


To book plumbing service contact us at:


Call (24*7) : 780-803-9675 


E-mail (24*7)  :  luke@ourearthbond.ca